[8 Mar 2012]

Wings :: Wing
Attached left flap
2 Hours

Well with the work I did today, I'm getting dangerously close to being done with the wings. I mounted up the left flap today just like I did the right flap yesterday. I started by setting the left flap on the wing and getting it where I wanted it. Then I drilled the hinge to the wing, deburred it, and then riveted that sucker on.

And voila ~ two mounted flaps! Apparently whatever I did yesterday to get the trailing edges misaligned by about 1/32", I did exactly the same thing today on the left flap. It sits just low of the aileron trailing edge by about the exact same 1/32". I'm nothing if not consistent, I guess. The good news is whatever the effect is from the misalignment (negligible to non-existent if I had to guess), it will cancel out because I misaligned symmetrically, so I got that going for me, which is nice.

Thanks for visiting! Last Update: 25 May 2012