[21 Nov 2010]

Empennage :: Rudder
Primed and riveted stiffeners
2.5 Hours

Good day today on the project. I did all the prep work on the rudder stiffeners yesterday except for priming them so that's what I started with today. After they dried, I set a rivet in every single hole. You wouldn't think that putting the rivets in the holes would take all that much time but when there are about 200 of them it really adds up. After they are put in the holes I put some masking tape over them to keep them in there. For the stiffeners you use a technique called back riveting. The cool thing about back riveting is it makes you feel like an airplane-building ninja. It's easy, it's fast and every single rivet turns out just about perfect!

Not a whole lot of pictures tonight, just one actually. Here is the rudder with all the stiffeners riveted in.

Thanks for visiting! Last Update: 25 May 2012