[28 Nov 2011]

Wings :: Wing
Finished landing lights
1.5 Hours

Well it's been quite a few days since I last did any work on the project. I was in Ft Worth seeing my family for Thanksgiving so I'd say it was a good tradeoff for not working on the plane. I was a little slow starting out this work session, I just wasn't in the swing of what I needed to do or how to get started with what I needed to get done. Out of building shape I guess.

Anyway, I finished up the leading edge landing lights (finally)! These took way longer than they should have but whenever I've been working on them, I've been inside because it's cold in the garage and the TV slows down productivity quite a lot. I started by drilling and countersinking the plexiglass lenses. I used the "tape handle" method described in the instructions and it worked out just peachy. Then I attached the nutplates to the backing strips. Then I ground the strips that go on the upper edge of the opening down so that they wouldn't interfere with the leading edge curvature. I stuck the strips to the plexiglass with the provided double-sided tape and then I applied the weather stripping onto the leading edge skin inside the cutout and then finally screwed the lenses into the leading edges. Final result looks like this.

It's hard to tell but the lens is in there.
Thanks for visiting! Last Update: 25 May 2012