[17 Aug 2011]

Wings :: Wing
Drilled left wing ribs to spars

This is just a cool shot looking down one of the lightening holes cut in all the ribs.

It was a quick day on the project today, all I did was match drill the ribs to the main and rear spar on the left wing. Most of today was getting the correct ribs in the correct place in the correct orientation.

Here is the left wing spars and main ribs clecoed together.

Now I have moved the assembly up to the workbench and moved the workbench away from the wall for easier access. Pretty easy move, the whole thing only weighs probably somewhere between 30 and 40 pounds. From here, I drilled all the holes, moved the clecos, then drilled the rest of the holes which will soon join the main ribs to the spars.

Overall, an easy and quick day. I have the right wing left to do and then disassemble, debur, prime and rivet!
Thanks for visiting! Last Update: 25 May 2012