
The project was sold in 2013.
I will try and keep this site up for reference.

Most Recent Updates

[25 May 2012] I bought a house!
[11 Mar 2012] Finished wings!
[8 Mar 2012] Attached left flap
[7 Mar 2012] Attached right flap
[6 Mar 2012] Started mounting right flap
[4 Mar 2012] Hung right aileron
[3 Mar 2012] Finished control rods, started hanging ailerons
[29 Feb 2012] Worked on aileron control rods
[26 Feb 2012] Finished riveting bottom skins!
[25 Feb 2012] Started left wing bottom skins

I am building a Van's RV-8 aircraft. What is it? It is an all-metal plane that is put together with rivets. Lots of rivets. The plane holds two people in a tandem configuration (pilot in front, passenger in back), is capable of aerobatic flight in the range of +6g/-3g, and cruises upwards of 200 mph. Construction comes with many choices including engine size, nose gear vs tail-dragger, constant speed vs fixed-pitch prop, etc...

Disclaimer: If for some reason you think I know what I am doing, you are mistaken. What I do or say is not necessarily the right way to build an airplane. There are many people out there who know how to build an airplane, however, I am not one of those people.
Thanks for visiting! Last Update: 25 May 2012